Saturday, July 1, 2017

Brave Soldier

Visitor from the Past

I had a dream last night, I didn’t understand,
A figure walking through the mist, with a flintlock in his hand
His clothes were torn and dirty, as he stood there by my side,
This person was someone with hope,
He was someone with discipline,
Someone with courage,
And someone with strengths,
 He was someone who serves his country first and his life is left behind,
He was someone who has to sacrifice what comes first in a civilian’s mind,
 He was the reason our land is ‘Home of the free’
 He was the one brave protecting you and me,
He was the ……… final option
 He is now known by the title of a “Brave Soldier“
 And if you are a soldier, I’m saying this to you, Thank God for every soldier, Thank God for what you do!!!!!


No matter where a soldier is from he would always give up anything to serve his country and that is why we have to serve them with respect and honor.

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Here are some tricky riddles for you. Solve the riddles first and then check the answers to see how many riddles you answered correctly. Good Luck !!!!!

1- Something that belongs to you but others use it more ?

2-  I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old ?

3- What has hands but cannot clap ?

4- What is at the end of a rainbow ?

Image result for animated pics of kids solving riddles
5- What starts with the letter "t", is filled with "t" and ends in "t" ?

6- Name four days of the week that start with the letter "t" ?

7- What's full of holes but still holds water ?

8- What invention lets you see right though the wall ?


1- Your name                                                                                  

2- A candle

3- Clock

4- The letter "W"

5- Teapot

6-  Tuesday, Thursday, Tomorrow and Today

7- A sponge

8- A window