Books Improve Your Life

Now here's how I'll start. Books and reading are really (I repeat really) important for our lives. Well you might have heard about this quote, "Books are to the mind what exercise is to the body. And you know what, It's actually true. Books and reading makes us physically and mentally healthy and way way more things which i am just about to tell.

Reading Reduces Stress

Whenever I might have had a stressful day I just lay down on my bed, stuck a pillow behind my back, grab my favourite book from my shelf, open it and let my mind just fall into it. And trust me, If you would have had a stressful day a good book will totally distract you and make you feel better. Fiction is great for this situation. Reading a fiction book before bed will absolutely give you sweet dreams!
Even though sometimes it's really hard to put a book down if it's really good. But still you'll be relaxed!

Reading Increases Vocabulary

Did you know that books increases your vocabulary more than talking or direct teaching? Reading forces us to look at words that we might not have seen or heard recently in pub. And then automatically you would we using these new words anywhere. I do suggest you that if you don't understand a words meaning just grab a dictionary and find that word.

Now I am just going to tell some points briefly.

1-Stories can simulate imagination and play.

2-Stories provoke curiosity and discussion.

3-Books provide inspiration, thought and reflection.

4-Books and stories fill your mind with thinking and knowledge.

5- Picture books help readers to develop an appreciation for art and writing.





  1. That proves that books do have a vital role in our lives. Well sail :-)

  2. Well I agree with you but I personally don't like book reading suggest or give me any advice so I can have interest in reading books. I actually get bored and feel reading books is very lengthy process to acquire knowledge as compare to asking someone or watching informative video.
