Sunday, May 22, 2016


Books books books and books! That's what I'm always thinking about. They fill up your mind with imagination. Books are a store of knowledge and wisdom. They contain a variety of pleasures. And most important, books never ever misguide us. All they do is build up our character and take away our sadness. I would prefer everybody to read as much books as you can to be more creative, more healthy and also to increase your vocabulary. And once you do you would would never resist a good book. Start with short novels. Just try not to read to many scary books because you really don't want to give yourselves nightmares. My best Author is Enid Blyton. I just love her books so much. They are irresistible. And once you'll start reading books i guess you'll think the same too. Oh and yes, I also totally love The Dork Diaries. They are out of this world (for real).

Image result for reading books                    Image result for reading books           

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Greedy Dog

Once there lived a greedy dog named Bruno who was always searching for food. His tummy never got full and he was always hungry. One morning he was starving so badly that he could even rip off his own skin but he tried not to, so for the sake of food he walked for like 6 hours. He was lucky to end up right in front of a butcher's shop. And you should've seen him at that time. He was as happy as the most happiest dog in the world. He picked up a piece of meat and started gobbling it up. He thought about saving half of it for later. As he was walking away holding his piece of meat, he passed by a river. In the river he though he actually saw another dog holding a piece of meat as well. Well off course Bruno thought that one piece was not enough for him so he jumped into the river with his own meat in his mouth as well. That other dog was actually Bruno's own reflection. Once he jumped into the water he accidentally let go his piece of meat and was terribly angry about that. Especially when he found out that in the water, was his own reflection. POOR Bruno.But he did get payed correctly for his greediness.

Friday, May 20, 2016

"Best Friends"

I'll always be beside you
until the very end,
wiping all your tears away,
being your best friend
I'll smile when you smile,
and feel all the pain you do,
and if you cry a single tear,
I promise I'll cry too


Friends are a wonderful blessing from god and we should thank him for giving every one of us a good friend.  We should always take care of them if you want them to do the same. We should always love them because they are to be loved. Now over here I am going to clear this confusion about friends. Some say that a best friend can only be one. but they're wrong. Best friends can be more than one. Even I have a bunch of BEST friends who are always there for me. I don't know what they think about me but i think that they are the bestest friends ever. Well sometimes we get into fights and the like but all of us try to make it up to each other and it goes pretty well. And u all should do the same. Just remember ," A friend in need is a friend indeed"