Saturday, March 12, 2016

"I Like"

I like sunshine.
I like snow.
I like yellow leaves
When they glow.
I like ice-cream.
I like cake.
Along with that
I like to bake.
I like pie
When I wake.
I like bows.
I like cats.
I like clowns
In funny hats.
I like reading.
I like trains.
I like sleeping.
When it rains.
I like stories at bedtime.
I like poems when they rhyme
Just like mine!

                                              MY THOUGHTS    

Oh! I just really love all the things I mentioned in the poem. I like way more things but I possibly couldn't fit them all in the poems. I like horses, I like running, I like to have fun, to play and to remember all the precious moments Iv'e spent with my loved ones. It really doesn't matter what you like or not like because everybody likes things they want to like and nobody else should bother about that.

AK <3

"Falling Leaves"

One is orange,
Two are brown,
Three look yellow
On the ground.

Three are green,
Two bright red,
One just fell,
Upon my head!


                                                    MY THOUGHTS

Don't you just love Autum. The colour of the trees, the leaves and the way they fall on your head. Everything's so dull and quite and best of all peaceful. Red, yellow,green, brown, orange, those are the only colours you can see. Well I love this season and especially the falling leaves.

-AK <3

School Jokes

All of you like funny jokes. Well off course all jokes are funny but these are the jokes you'd never forget!

TEACHER: Why are you late Joe?
JOE: Because of a sign down the road
TEACHER: What does a sign has to do with your being late?
JOE: The sign said, "School ahead, go slow!"

         School Life

Most irritating moments
- Morning Alarm
Most difficult task
- To find Socks
Most dreadful journey
- Way to Class
Most lovely time
- Meeting Friends
Most tragic moments
- Surprise Test in 1st Period
Most wonderful news

Why Do We Need School?

Music: We have YOU TUBE for that
Sports: There's a Wii
Spanish: There's Dora
English: Everything's shortened anyway. (LOL,BRB,IDK)
Maths: That's why we have calculators
Geography: I'll buy a globe.
History: They're all dead anyway

6 Things We Say In School

1- I'm tired
2- I'm cold
3- I don't get it
4- I'm hungry
5- What time is it?
6- I want to go home

Why I Say That I Miss School?

When I say I miss school, I mean my friends and the fun. Not the school!

Q. Why do fish live in salt water?
ANS. Because pepper makes them sneeze!

Q. Why didn't the 4's want any dinner?
ANS. Because they already 8

TEACHER: How can we keep our school clean?
STUDENT: By staying at home. :p

Knock Knock Jokes

Here is a load of FUNNY knock knock jokes you'd totally love to read. So what are u waiting for. Get started.

Knock knock
Who's there?
Barbie who?
Barbie Q!
Knock knock
Who's there?
Yul who?
Yul never guess!
Knock knock
Who's there?
Iran who?
Iran ten laps and now I'm very tired!
Knock knock
Who's there?
Zany who?
Zany body home?
Knock knock
Who's there?
Phil who?
Phil my glass up to the rim!
Knock knock
Who's there?
Nobel who?
No bell so I just knocked!
Knock knock
Who's there?
Nobody who?
Just nobody!
Knock knock
Who's there?
Gwen who?
Gwen will I see you again?
Knock knock
Who's there?
Gus who?
No, you guess who. I already know!

 That's all folks


Friday, March 11, 2016

Quotes On Reading

"I was born with a reading list I will never finish"
-Maud Casey

"Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; It is thinking that makes what we read ours"
-John Locke

"Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting"
-Edmund Burke

"The man who doesn't read has no advantage over the man who can't read"
-Mark Twain

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body"
-Joseph Addison

"You will be transformed by what you read"
-Deepak Ghopra

"I am too fond of reading books to care to write them"
-Oscar Wilde

Quotes On Books

"Books have to be heavy because the whole world is inside them"
-Cornelia Funke

"Reading a good book is like taking a journey"
-Emma Gulliford

"In a good book the best is between the lines"
-Swedish Proverb

"If a book is well written, I always find it too short"
-Jane Austen

"Books are uniquely portable magic"
-Stephen King

"Without books, I would have gone insane long ago"
-Damien Echols 

"There are no faster or firmer friendships than those formed between people who love the same  books"
-Irving Stone

"It's always better to have too much to read than not enough"
-Ann Patchett

"Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book"
-Jim Rohn

"Never judge a book by its movie"
-J.W. Eagan

"A room without books is like a body without a soul"

"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on treasure island"
-Walt Disney

"Sleep is good. And books are better"
-George R.R. Martin

"You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax. All you need is a book."
-Dr. Seuss