Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tips For Writing Poems

Types of Poetic Devices

Simile: A simile is an easy way to compare two things using the words"as" or "like". For example, Your teeth are like stars, Friends are like chocolate cake or like a diamond in the sky.

Personification: Personification is when you give human qualities to an object or an animal. For example lightning danced across the sky, The wind howled in the night, Traffic slowed to a crawl or time flies and waits for no one.

Metaphor: A Metaphor is the caparison between two unlike things  not using the words "as"or"like". For example the snow is a white blanket, eh is a shining star, time is money, Marie is a chicken, the classroom was a zoo or their home was a prison.

Alliteration: Alliteration is when the first alphabet of every word is repeated. For example Kim kicked Kate, She sells seashells on the sea shore, lily's lizard likes leaping leopards, the turbulent term of tyke Tyler.

Imagery: When you do something using your five senses-smell,touch,taste,sound,sight. For example hard soil, orange sun, the tree bark was smooth against her skin.

Reputation: It consists of repeating a word, phrase, or sentence. For example I am Bella I am Bella or Oh that sight oh that sight.

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