Saturday, April 30, 2016

Effects of Video Games

Are video games good or bad for you? To be honest they can be both.

Some think that these games corrupt the brain. But many scientists and physiologists found out that video games can actually have many benefits -- the main one is making kids smart.
"Video games change your brain". Playing video games changes the brain's physical structure the same way as learning to read, playing a piano, or navigating using a map.

Positive Effects

When kids play a game like angry birds or cut the rope he trains his brain to think of creative ways to solve the puzzle.

While playing some games I have noticed that you have to do many things the same time especially in fighting games. That forces and encourages the kid to think faster and quicker with logical ways. That encourages the kid to make fast analysis and decisions.

Playing video games develops perseverance in the child. Usually in higher levels of games the player loses the first time but he keeps on trying again until he succeeds and moves on to the next level.

Video games sometimes makes  learning fun.

Well that's enough benefits for now. Next are the negative effects.

Negative Effects

In my view kids who play fighting games are very aggressive all the time.

Most of the bad effects of video games are blamed on the violence they contain.
Too much video game playing makes the child socially isolated.

The child will give less time to other activities like doing homework, reading,sports and spending time with family and friends.

Some video games teach kids the wrong value like violent behaviour.

Games can confuse reality and fantasy.

Video games may also have bad effects on the child's health including obesity, muscular and skeletal disorders.

When playing online your kid can pickup bad language and behaviour, from other people.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article. Nice to see that you have mentioned and analyzed both kinds of effects..
